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DDD is fancy - Are we doing it right? Should we use it?

Domain Driven Design

TL;DR - This post is just a reflection about DDD based on my experience, and my goal is to reflect about some questions: are we doing DDD right? is it worth? I am far from being an expert in Domain Driven Design (DDD). So, you should skip the entire post if you expect some words from a DDD expert practitioner.

How are we doing DDD

If someone says “My team uses DDD”, that person gets my full attention. Basically I enter in a mode where I can do only two things: to breathe and to get more info from the person in front of me to know more about how they are doing DDD.

Basically, I will get a lot of curiosity to know more about the project, and particularly to know how complex the project is, and what is the layered architecture being adopted. In my opinion, I think it’s dam hard to do DDD right (whatever that means). Furthermore, I will always ask if I can take a look at the code to see what DDD concepts are being used (entities, value objects, aggregate roots, repositories, unit of work, etc.), and what software architecture/patterns are in place (Hexagonal Architecture, Onion Architecture, CQRS, Event Sourcing, etc.). My hope is always to get something new that I can learn from it, or something new that I can say “this makes a lot of sense and I’ve never though about it. I need to try for myself”. Keep learning is always the goal.

Keep studying DDD

I think it was around 2005 when I read the Eric Evan’s book “Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software”, and I can say that it was very hard to digest it. By that time, my feeling was that there were missing good samples to serve as base reference implementation. It started to appear then some samples in the community, but I never got 100% happy with a single one, where I could say “That is the one”. Even today, from time to time, I still search for new DDD samples to see how they are tackling software complexity.

Fortunately, we have more samples today that we can learn from, at least the tactical aspects of a DDD implementation. I say tactical, because regarding the domain knowledge we don’t have access to the decisions that were made that have conducted to the given model. And that’s where I think we (as developers) are missing one of the most important points of Domain Driven Design: the Ubiquitous Language.

The Ubiquitous Language

I don’t know why, but we (as developers), tend to think that we know more of a given domain than the domain expert itself. It doesn’t make any sense - but we still do it a lot. That’s why there is a gap in the communication between the domain experts and the technical team members. We tend to build something that follows our mental model based on our own technical language, and not based on the domain expert language. We should build based on the Ubiquitous Language.

Unless we are building software that targets developers itself, we are not the domain experts. So we should listen them first, ask them questions to make them think deeper about the subject, and then agree with them on a common vocabulary and model that is understood by all team members in the project. That’s the model that we should build in software. That’s why I think that it makes a lot of sense to have a domain expert as a member of the team. If not, are we really doing DDD? And if we don’t need a domain expert on the team, are we really tackling a complex domain that justifies a DDD investment? Probably not.

Technical complexity

If we are not tackling a complex domain, I think we should focus in not adding technical complexity - instead we should chase for simplicity, technically speaking.

For example, we are asked to build a simple CRUD application - a small backofice web app to manage some reference data. Why should we add technical complexity to this simple app? Probably we can get most of the job done by using a scaffolding tool, combined with a validation, authorization, and auditing mechanism and we are good to go, right? Is there anything wrong with this approach? I don’t think so.

Now, imagine that we are developing a core domain backend service to be consumed by a frontend (a BFF-Backend for Frontend). This core domain is the one that generates money for the company and it’s relatively complex, and it’s evolving quickly.

We decide to use GraphQL to expose our API to be consumed by the frontend, which is mostly a Task based UI. Since we are using GraphQL, we can think that it makes sense to use internally different approaches for queries and mutations, and so we decide to implement a CQRS pattern (Command Query Responsibility Segregation). For the Commands, the rules are complex, and so we decide to adopt a Domain Model approach, with persistence ignorance, repositories, triggering domain events (potentially to be consumed by other services), etc. But for the Queries we decide to use a simpler approach by using a Micro-ORM with an Anemic Read Model (or DTOs if you prefer). Initially, we can even decide that both Queries and Commands are using the same physical database, but we can change that in the future if we need it, by physically isolating the read and write persistence model. Is there anything wrong by mixing these approaches? I don’t think so. Are we really using DDD? Probably we are only using some DDD tactical patterns in parts of our system.

Don’t need to be “DDD All-In”

I think DDD is not an All or Nothing approach. We can use a DDD-Lite (term coined by Vaughn Vernon in his book Implementing Domain-Driven Design) by choosing just some DDD tactical patterns for parts of our system.

I think also that DDD is not for all projects. We all like to put in practice what we learn, and we all want to become better developers writing better software today than we wrote yesterday. DDD is something that I think every developer should learn in the course of his career. But more important is to get the capability to decide when it’s worth or not to use DDD in a project. If we decide to adopt DDD blindly, regardless of the complexity of the domain, just because we are proud of our brilliant code with lots of patterns, I think it’s a wrong approach. At the end of the day we are hired to build software that is supposed to add value to the business. And with this blind approach, we are just throwing technical complexity to the solution, which becomes a cost.


To conclude, I think we should keep learning DDD, to be able to apply it when it worths, and no less important also, to be able to know when it doesn’t worth.

Published Oct 23, 2020

Cloud Solutions and Software Engineer. Married and father of two sons. Obsessed to be a continuous learner.